Title: Post-occupancy evaluation of library buildings, Author: Karen Latimer
Title: Educating the Profession: 40 years of the IFLA Section on Education and Training, Author: Michael Seadle
Title: Indigenous Notions of Ownership and Libraries, Archives and Museums, Author: Camille Callison
Title: Trade eBooks in Libraries: The Changing Landscape, Author: Paul Whitney
Title: High quality design on a low budget: New library buildings. Proceedings of the Satellite Conference of the IFLA Library Buildings and Equipment Section
Title: Knowledge Management in Libraries and Organizations, Author: Leda Bultrini
Title: Space and Collections Earning their Keep: Transformation, Technologies, Retooling, Author: Joseph Hafner
Title: The Virtual Customer: A New Paradigm for Improving Customer Relations in Libraries and Information Services: Satellite Meeting Sao Paulo, Brazil, August 18-20,2004, Author: Sueli Mara Soares Pinto Ferreira
Title: Linked Data and User Interaction, Author: H. Frank Cervone
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