Title: Trade eBooks in Libraries: The Changing Landscape, Author: Paul Whitney
Title: Global Perspectives on School Libraries: Projects and Practices, Author: Luisa Marquardt
Title: Social Science Libraries, Author: Steve W. Witt
Title: Space and Collections Earning their Keep: Transformation, Technologies, Retooling, Author: Joseph Hafner
Title: Librarianship as a Bridge to an Information and Knowledge Society in Africa, Author: Alli Mcharazo
Title: Open Access and Digital Libraries: Social Science Libraries in Action, Author: Lynne M. Rudasill
Title: Designing Library Space for Children, Author: Ingrid Bon
Title: Marketing Libraries in a Web 2.0 World, Author: Dinesh K. Gupta
Title: Education and Research for Marketing and Quality Management in Libraries / La formation et la recherche sur le marketing et la gestion de la qualite en bibliotheque / La formation et la recherche sur le marketing et la gestion de la qualite en bibliothequ, Author: R?jean Savard
Title: Multilingual Glossary for Art Librarians: English with Indexes in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish, Author: IFLA Section of Art Libraries
Title: Intelligent Library Buildings: Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the IFLA Section on Library Buildings and Equipment, The Hague, Netherlands, 24-29 August 1997, Author: David Roland-Holst
Title: 85 Years IFLA: A History and Chronology of Sessions 1927-2012, Author: Jeffrey M. Wilhite
Title: Libraries Serving Dialogue, Author: Odile Dupont
Title: Digital Library Futures: User perspectives and institutional strategies, Author: Ingeborg Verheul
Title: Libraries Serving Dialogue, Author: Odile Dupont
Title: Linked Data and User Interaction, Author: H. Frank Cervone
Title: Indigenous Notions of Ownership and Libraries, Archives and Museums, Author: Camille Callison
Title: Open Access to STM Information: Trends, Models and Strategies for Libraries, Author: Anthi Katsirikou
Title: Library Statistics for the Twenty-First Century World: Proceedings of the conference held in Montréal on 18-19 August 2008 reporting on the Global Library Statistics Project, Author: Michael Heaney
Title: Indigenous Notions of Ownership and Libraries, Archives and Museums, Author: Flowers / (3Pc) (Wcd)

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