Title: Love Lost at Sea: Zombie Zero: The Short Stories Vol. 3, Author: J.K. Norry
Title: Upward Bound to Higher Ground: Living Life with Deliberate Intent, Author: Jerry McAdory
Title: The Heart of the Monster: Zombie Zero: The Short Stories Vol. 6, Author: J. K. Norry
Title: The Beginning of the End: Zombie Zero: The Short Stories Vol. 2, Author: J.K. Norry
Title: The Sickness Spreads: Zombie Zero: The Short Stories Vol. 1, Author: J.K. Norry
Title: Monstrous Consequences: Zombie Zero: The Short Stories Vol. 5, Author: J.K. Norry
Title: The Zombie Killers: Zombie Zero: The Short Stories Vol. 4, Author: J.K. Norry