Title: An Act of Reparation Before Holy Communion, Author: J. H. P.
Title: The Third Act of Offering, Author: J. H. P.
Title: The First Act of Offering, Author: J. H. P.
Title: The Second Act of Offering, Author: J. H. P.
Title: The First Act of Love, Author: J. H. P.
Title: Act of Humility and Confidence Before Holy Communion, Author: J. H. P.
Title: Act of Hope and Confidence After Holy Communion, Author: J. H. P.
Title: The Second Act of Hope Before Holy Communion, Author: J. H. P.
Title: The Second Act of Humility, Author: J. H. P.
Title: The First Act of Humility, Author: J. H. P.
Title: The Second Act of Love, Author: J. H. P.
Title: The First Act of Hope Before Holy Communion, Author: J. H. P.
Title: The Third Act of Love, Author: J. H. P.
Title: Act of Humility After Holy Communion, Author: J. H. P.
Title: The First Act of Desire, Author: J. H. P.
Title: The Third Act of Faith, Author: J. H. P.
Title: The First Act of Faith, Author: J. H. P.
Title: The Second Act of Desire, Author: J. H. P.
Title: Act of Contrition, Hope and Confidence before Holy Communion, Author: J. H. P.
Title: The Second Act of Contrition Before Holy Communion, Author: J. H. P.

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