Title: Profitable E-Book Publishing, Author: Jay M Horne
Title: How To Stop Killing Yourself, Author: James Rucker
Title: Go Ahead! Make Millions!, Author: Zen Zimmerman
Title: The Mind Is A Funny Thing, Author: Jay-Mat Hornetoad
Title: Operation Market Time, Author: James Steffes
Title: PANGEA: Tower Hearts, Author: Jay M Horne
Title: Life's A Joke, Author: Jay M Horne
#1 in Series
Title: I Took The Red Pill, Author: James Rucker
Title: Where's the Blue Pill?, Author: James Rucker
Title: How God Ruined My Life, Author: Jay M Horne
#2 in Series
Title: Swift Boat Down, Author: James Steffes
Title: The Birth of Mother Earth: Modern Philosophical Art, Author: Bubba Beasley
Title: My God Comes To You, Author: Yours Truly
Title: Life's a Pun: Karma Returns, Author: Jay M Horne
#3 in Series
Title: A Relic of Remedies, Author: Jay-Mat Hornetoad