Title: 1 Flight of the Armada, Author: Jay Michael Jones
Title: 8 The Reprobate, Author: Jay Michael Jones
Title: 12 Song of the Tarinade, Author: Jay Michael Jones
Title: 14 A Whole Culture Awaits, Author: Jay Michael Jones
Title: 9 Trouble in the Dark, Author: Jay Michael Jones
Title: 10 Angst of the Silent Man, Author: Jay Michael Jones
Title: 0 Fields of Fire, Author: Jay Michael Jones
Title: 3 A Crack in the Facade, Author: Jay Michael Jones
Title: 4 Alien Life Form, Author: Jay Michael Jones
Title: 6 Adrift on an Outpost, Author: Jay Michael Jones
Title: 7 To Live Again, Author: Jay Michael Jones
Title: 13 Prisoner of Love, Author: Jay Michael Jones
Title: 5 Fury in the Dark of Space, Author: Jay Michael Jones
Title: 2 Noble Hour, Author: Jay Michael Jones