Title: Done Deal: A John Deal Mystery, Author: Les Standiford
Title: Done Deal, Author: Les Standiford
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Raw Deal: John Deal, Book 2
by Les Standiford
Narrated by  Ron McLarty
#2 in Series
Audiobook (Unabridged)


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Title: Deal to Die For, Author: Les Standiford
Title: Presidential Deal: A John Deal Mystery, Author: Les Standiford
Title: Presidential Deal, Author: Les Standiford
Explore Series
Paperback $13.72 $14.95 Current price is $13.72, Original price is $14.95.
Title: Havana Run: A John Deal Mystery, Author: Les Standiford
#6 in Series
Title: Deal with the Dead, Author: Les Standiford
Title: Bone Key, Author: Les Standiford
Title: Deal With The Dead: A John Deal Mystery, Author: Les Standiford
Title: Havana Run, Author: Les Standiford
Explore Series
Paperback $13.72 $14.95 Current price is $13.72, Original price is $14.95.
Title: Raw Deal, Author: Les Standiford
Title: Book Deal, Author: Les Standiford