Title: Zakari, Author: John Jarvis
Title: Random Gene, Author: John Jarvis
#2 in Series
Title: Mana, Author: John Jarvis
Title: Young Dick, Author: John Jarvis
Title: Whalecom, Author: John Jarvis
Title: The Bacteria Wars, Author: John Jarvis
#1 in Series
Title: East of Hydaspes, Author: John Jarvis
Title: The Adventures of Zig and Zog, Author: John Jarvis
Title: Kania, Author: John Jarvis
Title: Kurosaki Killed the Cat, Author: John Jarvis
Title: Scipio's Shadow, Author: John Jarvis
Title: Stardust, Author: John Jarvis
Title: BATEAU a VAPEUR, Author: John Jarvis