Title: The Atkins Essentials: A Two-Week Program to Jump-Start Your Low Carb Lifestyle, Author: Atkins Health & Medical Information Serv
Title: Impulse su crecimiento: Un plan de mejoramiento de 90 dias, Author: John C. Maxwell
Title: Jumpstart the World, Author: Catherine Ryan Hyde
Title: Silver Dragon Books Presents: JumpStart Comic/Activity Book, Author: Neo Edmund
Title: Live Positively with Ami's Umbrella: 8 Easy Ways to Jump-Start Your Happiness, Author: Jan RychtÃr
Title: The Science of Mind Way to Sucess, Wealth & Love: A Simple Guide to Understanding the Basic Concepts of Science of Mind and How They Can Jump-Start Your Life, Author: Joan McCall
Title: Best Jobs for Ex-Offenders: 101 Opportunities to Jump-Start Your New Life, Author: Ron Krannich
Title: Jump-Start Guide for Independent Publishing: Entrepreneurial First Step Guide, Author: Margaret Cook