Title: Saga, Volume 1, Author: Brian K. Vaughan
Title: Saga, Volume 2, Author: Brian K. Vaughan
Title: Saga, Volume 8, Author: Brian K. Vaughan
Title: Saga, Volume 5, Author: Brian K. Vaughan
Title: Saga, Volume 4, Author: Brian K. Vaughan
Title: Saga, Volume 7, Author: Brian K. Vaughan
Title: Saga, Volume 3, Author: Brian K. Vaughan
Title: A Theology of Wonder. G. K. Chesterton's Response to Nihilism, Author: Brian P. Gillen
Title: The Isolated Self: Truth and Untruth in Soren Kierkegaard's On the Concept of Irony, Author: K. Brian Soderquist
Title: Saga, Volume 9, Author: Brian K. Vaughan
Title: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter Series #1), Author: J. K. Rowling
Title: Saga: Compendium One, Author: Brian K. Vaughan
Title: Saga, Volume 10, Author: Brian K. Vaughan