Title: Investing in Dividend Stocks: Making High Profit Even in Difficult Times, Author: Robert King
Title: A Biography of Saint Simon Peter the Apostle: From Fisherman to Martyr, Author: Robert Alan King
Title: Abortion vs. Life for the Embryo and Fetus: A Christian Study on Fetal Development and the Unborn Child in the Bible, Author: Robert Alan King
Title: Christianity, Homeschooling and Public School: Protecting Our Children from the Enemy, Author: Robert Alan King
Title: A Christian Rebuttal to Betty J. Eadie's Embraced by the Light, Author: Robert Alan King
Title: The Debate Between Believers' Baptism and Infant Baptism, Author: Robert Alan King
Title: Karl Barth's Ideas on the Economic and Immanent Trinity, Author: Robert Alan King
Title: Did Jesus Descend into Hell or Hades and Preach to the Unsaved? An Analysis of Difficult Passages in 1 Peter, Author: Robert Alan King
Title: Agapao (Agape) and Phileo (Philo) in The Gospel of John, Author: Robert Alan King
Title: Spiritual and Social Evils in the American Religious Experience as Conveyed in This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti and In His Steps by Charles M. Sheldon, Author: Robert Alan King
Title: A Biography of John the Baptist: The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness, Author: Robert Alan King
Title: Commentary on the Pericope of Romans 1:19-25, Author: Robert Alan King
Title: A Christian Rebuttal to Steven Woodward's Biblical Proof Animals Do Go To Heaven: The Real Truth About Dogs, Cats, Pets, and the Afterlife, Author: Robert Alan King
Title: A Christian Rebuttal to Mary Baxter's A Divine Revelation of Heaven, Author: Robert Alan King
Title: Astral Projection, Out of Body Experiences (OBEs) and Near Death Experiences (NDEs): Research, Study and Reflection with a Christian Perspective, Author: Robert Alan King
Title: A Christian Rebuttal to Kevin & Alex Malarkey's The boy who came back from heaven, Author: Robert Alan King
Title: The Dynamics of Perception and Memory: How the Mind Works and Its Primary Function, Author: Robert Alan King
Title: A Christian Rebuttal to Dr. Eben Alexander's Proof of Heaven, A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife, Author: Robert Alan King
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Title: Understanding Copyright Law, Fair Use, Plagiarism, and Public Domain in Writing and Composition within the United States, Author: Robert King
Title: Public Relations, Press Releases and Media Contact: Becoming Newsworthy and Getting Coverage, Author: Robert King

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