Title: The Kingstone Bible, Volume 1, Author: Various Writers
Title: The Christ, Volume 1: Incarnation, Author: Ben Avery
Title: King David, Volume 1, Author: Art Ayris
Title: The Christ, Volume 2: Deliverer, Author: Ben Avery
Title: The Kingstone Bible, Volume 1, Author: Michael Pearl
Title: Jonah, Author: Art Ayris
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Title: Joshua: The General, Author: Art Ayris
Title: Elijah, Author: Michael Pearl
Title: Samson, Author: Art Ayris
Title: The Beginning, Author: Michael Pearl
Title: Exodus, Author: Michael Pearl
Title: The Revelation, Author: Art Ayris
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Title: Kingstone La Biblia, Tomo 1: El Principio, Author: Art Ayris
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