Title: Diogenes of Oinoanda/Diogene d'Oenoanda: Epicureanism and Philosophical Debates/Epicurisme et controverses, Author: Jurgen Hammerstaedt
Title: Is Russia a European Power?: The Position of Russia in a New Europe, Author: Tom Casier
Title: Sagalassos VI: Geo- and Bio-Archaeology in the Territory of Sagalassos / Edition 1, Author: Patrick Degryse
Title: Sagalassos I: First General Report on the Survey (1986-1989) and Excavations (1990-1991), Author: Marc Waelkens
Title: Psychanalyse et hybridite: Genre, colonialite, subjectivations, Author: Thamy Ayouch
Title: On Punishment: The Confrontation of Suicide in Old Europe, Author: Lieven Vandekerckhove
Title: A Holocene Prehistoric Sequence in the Egyptian Red Sea Area: The Tree Shelter, Author: Pierre M. Vermeersch
Title: Symbolic Communication in Late Medieval Towns, Author: Jacoba van Leeuwen
Title: History and Eschatology in John Scottus Eriugena and His Time: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies, Maynooth and Dublin, August 16-20, 2000, Author: M. Dunne
Title: Historism and Cultural Identity in the Rhine-Meuse Region: Tensions between Nationalism and Regionalism in the Nineteenth Century, Author: Wolfgang Cortjaens
Title: A Small Nation in the Turmoil of the Second World War: Money, Finance and Occupation (Belgium, Its Enemies, Its Friends, 1939-1945) / Edition 1, Author: Herman Van der Wee