Ad fines imperii Romani anno bismillesimo cladis Varianae: Acta conventus Academiae Latinitati Fovendae XII Ratisbonensis

During the battle of the Teutoburg Forest, or clades Variana (9 AD), an alliance of Germanic tribes led by the German "hero" Arminius defeated three Roman legions and their auxiliaries led by Publius Quinctilius Varus. Despite numerous campaigns and raids by the Roman army over the Rhine in the years after the battle, the Romans were to make no more concerted attempts to conquer and hold Germania beyond the river.

On the occasion of the two-thousandth anniversary of the clades Variana in 2009, the Academia Latinitati Fovendae (Rome) organized a congress in Regensburg, Germany. This book, based on the proceedings of that event, contains not only various contributions on the Augustan and Tiberian literature related to the German victory (Manilius, Velleius Paterculus), but also some revealing case studies on the reception of Arminius in later times, in history, and in Neo-Latin and in vernacular letters. All texts are written in Latin.

Ad fines imperii Romani anno bismillesimo cladis Varianae: Acta conventus Academiae Latinitati Fovendae XII Ratisbonensis

During the battle of the Teutoburg Forest, or clades Variana (9 AD), an alliance of Germanic tribes led by the German "hero" Arminius defeated three Roman legions and their auxiliaries led by Publius Quinctilius Varus. Despite numerous campaigns and raids by the Roman army over the Rhine in the years after the battle, the Romans were to make no more concerted attempts to conquer and hold Germania beyond the river.

On the occasion of the two-thousandth anniversary of the clades Variana in 2009, the Academia Latinitati Fovendae (Rome) organized a congress in Regensburg, Germany. This book, based on the proceedings of that event, contains not only various contributions on the Augustan and Tiberian literature related to the German victory (Manilius, Velleius Paterculus), but also some revealing case studies on the reception of Arminius in later times, in history, and in Neo-Latin and in vernacular letters. All texts are written in Latin.

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Ad fines imperii Romani anno bismillesimo cladis Varianae: Acta conventus Academiae Latinitati Fovendae XII Ratisbonensis

Ad fines imperii Romani anno bismillesimo cladis Varianae: Acta conventus Academiae Latinitati Fovendae XII Ratisbonensis

by Jan-Wilhelm Beck (Editor)
Ad fines imperii Romani anno bismillesimo cladis Varianae: Acta conventus Academiae Latinitati Fovendae XII Ratisbonensis

Ad fines imperii Romani anno bismillesimo cladis Varianae: Acta conventus Academiae Latinitati Fovendae XII Ratisbonensis

by Jan-Wilhelm Beck (Editor)


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During the battle of the Teutoburg Forest, or clades Variana (9 AD), an alliance of Germanic tribes led by the German "hero" Arminius defeated three Roman legions and their auxiliaries led by Publius Quinctilius Varus. Despite numerous campaigns and raids by the Roman army over the Rhine in the years after the battle, the Romans were to make no more concerted attempts to conquer and hold Germania beyond the river.

On the occasion of the two-thousandth anniversary of the clades Variana in 2009, the Academia Latinitati Fovendae (Rome) organized a congress in Regensburg, Germany. This book, based on the proceedings of that event, contains not only various contributions on the Augustan and Tiberian literature related to the German victory (Manilius, Velleius Paterculus), but also some revealing case studies on the reception of Arminius in later times, in history, and in Neo-Latin and in vernacular letters. All texts are written in Latin.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9789058678775
Publisher: Leuven University Press
Publication date: 01/25/2012
Series: Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia Series
Edition description: Bilingual
Pages: 296
Product dimensions: 6.30(w) x 9.40(h) x 0.90(d)
Language: Latin

Table of Contents

Quid clades Variana ad nos attineat, maxime secundum Christianum Theodericum Grabbe poetam (et cur Latine de ea loquamur)
Michael VON ALBRECHT, Heidelbergensis

Quomodo Augustus sit rerum potitus
Horatius Antonius BOLOGNA, Romanus

Post Cladem Varianam qua ratione usi sint principes Iulii et Claudii ad Germanos coercendos
Boris DREYER, Erlangensis-Norimbergensis

Velleius Paterculus contuleritne iure culpam cladis Teutoburgiensis P. Quinctilio Varo?
Nicolaus SALLMANN, Moguntiacensis

Cum fera ductorem rapuit Germania Varum. De clade Variana et victoria Actiaca apud Manilium poetam
Volfgangus HÜBNER, Monasteriensis

De confinio Germaniae antiquae orientali
Tuomo PEKKANEN, Helsinkiensis

De Philippi Cluveri Germania antiqua
Antonius VAN HAL, Lovaniensis

Quid sit clades?
Sigrides ALBERT, Saravipontana

Arminii victoria, clades cultus civilis?
Gaius LICOPPE, Bruxellensis

De 'Arminio' Iohannis Ludovici Praschii (1678)
Paula MARONGIU, Florentina

J. B. Adolphi Drama de 'Arminio Germaniae defensore' Latinum (1701)
Fidelis RAEDLE, Gottingensis

De ‘Arminii corona' et morte, tragoedia ab Ignatio ab Weitenauer conscripta (1758)
Jan-Wilhelm BECK, Ratisbonensis

De Arminio quid scripserint poetae Latini qui saeculo XIX exeunte, ineunte XX floruerunt
Theodoricus SACRÉ, Lovaniensis

Quomodo Arminius in libris scholasticis demonstretur
Andreas FRITSCH, Berolinensis

Ratisbona Latina
Valahfridus STROH, Monacensis

De patronis septipedibus Sidonii Apollinaris
Curtius SMOLAK, Vindobonensis

De hominis parva universitate in Alani ab Insulis saeculi XII humanistae operibus quibus tituli ‘De planctu Naturae' et ‘Anticlaudianus'
Milena MINKOVA, Kentuckiensis

Erasmi dialogum ‘Ciceronianum' relegamus!
Terentius TUNBERG, Kentuckiensis

Carmen Valedictorium (Fidelis RAEDLE)

Index rerum actarum
Index oratorum
Index nominum

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