Title: Syntagmatia: Essays on Neo-Latin Literature in Honour of Monique Mund-Dopchie and Gilbert Tournoy / Edition 1, Author: Jan Papy
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Title: Spanish Humanism on the Verge of the Picaresque / Edition 1, Author: Leuven University Press
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Title: Myricae: Essays on Neo-Latin Literature in Memory of Jozef Ijsewijn, Author: Dirk Sacre
Title: Speculum Divinorum Et Quorundam Naturalium: On the Nature of Matter and on the Intellect as Form of Man / Edition 1, Author: Henricus Bate
Title: Industrial Minerals: Resources, Characteristics and Applications / Edition 1, Author: Patrick Degryse
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Title: A Small Nation in the Turmoil of the Second World War: Money, Finance and Occupation (Belgium, Its Enemies, Its Friends, 1939-1945) / Edition 1, Author: Herman Van der Wee