Title: Sacramental Orders, Author: John D. Laurance
Title: Sacrament of Reconciliation, Author: David M. Coffey
Title: Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, Author: Lizette Larson-Miller
Title: The Sacrament of Baptism, Author: Michael G. Witczak
Title: Petite poétique des arts sacrés, Author: Take the Money and Run
Title: Faire pénitence, se laisser réconcilier: Le sacrement comme chemin de prière, Author: Hélène Bricout
Title: Le mariage entre consentement et bénédiction: Le sacrement et son ministre, Author: Hélène Bricout
Title: L'adoration de la Croix: Triduum pascal, Author: Blake Boy
Title: The Sacrament of Eucharist, Author: Linda Neckel White