Title: Radical Together, Author: David Platt
Title: The Battle Plan for Prayer - Leader Kit, Author: Alex Kendrick
Title: Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy, Author: Beth Moore
Title: All Things New - Leader Kit: A Study on 2 Corinthians, Author: Kelly Minter
Title: Breaking Free - Audio CDs: The Journey, the Stories, Author: Beth Moore
Title: Kingdom Man, Author: Tony Evans
Title: Counter Culture - Leader Kit, Author: David Platt
Title: SEED 1, Author: Priscilla Shirer
Title: Daniel - Leader Kit: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy, Author: Beth Moore
Title: Honor Begins at Home, Author: Sherwood Baptist Church
Title: The Insanity of Obedience Leader Kit: Advancing the Gospel When Facing Challenge and Persecution, Author: Nik Ripken
Title: Kingdom Agenda: Living Life God S Way - Leader Kit, Author: Tony Evans
Title: SEED 2, Author: Priscilla Shirer
Title: Nehemiah, Author: Kelly Minter
Title: Sacred Secrets - Small Group Kit: A Living Proof Live Experience, Author: Beth Moore
Title: Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed - Audio CDs: A Study of David, Author: Beth Moore