Title: Jacob's Closet, Author: Jeff McDargh
#1 in Series
Title: Love & Secrets, Author: Jeff McDargh
#2 in Series
Title: Should Christians Keep Old Testament Laws?, Author: Grace Communion International
Title: Which Old Testament Laws Apply to Christians Today?, Author: Michael D. Morrison
Title: The Unnamed, Author: Jeff McDargh
#3 in Series
Title: Should Christians Keep the Annual Festivals God Gave the Ancient Israelites?, Author: Michael D. Morrison
Title: The Light, Author: Jeff McDargh
#4 in Series
Title: The Covenants and the Sabbath, Author: Paul Kroll
#6 in Series
Title: The Christian Sabbath: Divine Rest in Jesus Christ, Author: J. Michael Feazell
Title: Sabbath and Sunday in History: Research Papers by Michael D. Morrison, Thomas C. Hanson, and Ralph G. Orr, Author: Grace Communion International
Title: Open Letters to an Adventist: Is the Sabbath a Ceremonial Law?, Author: Michael D. Morrison
Title: Christians and Old Testament Laws, Author: Grace Communion International