Title: Through the Eyes of a Child: The First Year, Author: William Smith
Title: A Very Paranormal Family: Striking Out On Our Own, Author: William Smith
Title: Straight From Heaven;Delivered From Hell, Author: William Smith
Title: Psychic Visions of Murder, Author: William Smith
Title: The New Adventures of Mighty-Girl: The Revenge of Vincent Fasendone, Author: William Smith
#6 in Series
Title: Paranormal Family Incorporated: Terror At the Snow Peak, Author: William Smith
Title: The Golden Seashell Necklace: Back on Dry Land, Author: William Smith
Title: Paranormal Family Incorporated: The Town That Time Forgot, Author: William Smith
Title: The Wicked Witch of South Fallston, Author: William Smith
Title: The Last Minute Christmas Miracle, Author: William Smith
Title: The Adventures of Mighty-Girl: Mighty-Girl Meet Mighty-Boy, Author: William Smith
Title: A Dozen Ways to Sing I Love You, Author: William Smith
Title: The Reluctant Little Mermaid, Author: William Smith
Title: Paranormal Family Incorporated: Life Imitates Art, Author: William Smith
Title: Stolen Memory: Hidden Agenda, Author: William Smith
Title: The Adventures of Mighty-Girl, Author: William Smith
Title: Paranormal Family Incorporated: The Haunted Cabin in the Woods, Author: William Smith
Title: The Great Sibling Rilvary: Volume 2, Author: William Smith
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Title: Nighmare at Camp Rabbit-foot, Author: William Smith
Title: The Curse of Deadman's Bluff: Safe Zone, Author: William Smith

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