Title: Through the Eyes of a Child: The First Year, Author: William Smith
Title: A Very Paranormal Family: Striking Out On Our Own, Author: William Smith
Title: The Golden Seashell Necklace: Back on Dry Land, Author: William Smith
Title: The Last Minute Christmas Miracle, Author: William Smith
Title: The Adventures of Mighty-Girl, Author: William Smith
Title: The Great Sibling Rilvary: Volume 2, Author: William Smith
Title: Extended Family, Author: William Smith
Title: Through the Eyes of a Child: The Second Year, Author: William Smith
Title: Paranormal Family Incorporated: The Next Generation, Author: William Smith
Title: Lone Witness to A Murder, Author: William Smith
#1 in Series
Title: Best Friend's Forever: Volume 1, Author: William Smith
Title: The Golden Seashell Necklace, Author: William Smith
Title: The Great Sibling Rivalry: Volume IV, Author: William Smith
Title: Lone Witness to Another Murder, Author: William Smith
Title: My Daughter: The Tomboy, Author: William Smith
Title: Little Miss Perfect: Keeping it in the Family, Author: William Smith
Title: The Great Sibling Rivalry: Volume V, Author: William Smith
Title: The Great Sibling Rivalry: Volume III, Author: William Smith
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Title: Raising The Bar: Pirate's Treasure, Author: William Smith
Title: Through the Eyes of a Child: The Fourth Year, Author: William Smith

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