Title: The Golden Seashell Necklace: Back on Dry Land, Author: William Smith
Title: A Dozen Ways to Sing I Love You, Author: William Smith
Title: The Reluctant Little Mermaid, Author: William Smith
Title: Nighmare at Camp Rabbit-foot, Author: William Smith
Title: Extended Family, Author: William Smith
Title: The New Adventures of Mighty-Girl and Electra-Girl, Author: William Smith
#4 in Series
Title: I'll Be Home For Christmas, Author: William Smith
Title: Best Friend's Forever: Volume 1, Author: William Smith
Title: Jumping Snowflake, Author: William Smith
Title: The Golden Seashell Necklace, Author: William Smith
Title: Through the Eyes of a Child: The Third Year, Author: William Smith
Title: Best Friend's Forever: Volume 2, Author: William Smith