Title: Gladiator: The Unbeatable, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: WAR: The Collection, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Tank: The Total Package (Stories 1-10), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Honor: The Collection (Stories 1-4), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Showdown (Hired Action Thriller Series #5), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Perfect Shot and Inside Job (Two Story Pack), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Kidnapped and Tank Upgraded (Two Story Pack), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Die, Tank, Die! and Lone Wolf (Two Story Pack), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Hired: The Collection (Stories 1-4), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Aid Agency Swindle and LA Brawl (Two Story Pack), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Sniper and Assault (Honor 1 + 2), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Iraq 2050 (Tech Wars), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Inside Job and LA Brawl (Two Story Pack), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Terror At The Airport and Political Killer (Combined Edition), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Trapped and Assassin (Two Story Pack), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Bomb Squad (Hired Action Thriller Series #4), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Driving Major Temple and Assassin (Two Story Pack), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Honor #1: Sniper
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Title: Inside Job (Honor Action War Series #4), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: HONOR II: Assault, Author: Kenneth Guthrie

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