Title: Elf Promotion (Ed The Elf #4), Author: Laura Fantasia
Title: Hell's Gates (Sin Fantasy Thriller Series #1), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Saving Ed (Ed The Elf #3), Author: Laura Fantasia
Title: Kids Attack (Ed The Elf #7), Author: Laura Fantasia
Title: Ed The Elf: Collection #2 (Stories 5-8), Author: Laura Fantasia
Title: FRAT: The Paddle Walk, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Strippers And Stockings (Ed The Elf #1), Author: Laura Fantasia
Title: Fist, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: The Final Competitor (Uncivilized Boxing Action Series), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
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Title: Riot Junkie: London, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Death Day's Collection: 3 Stories + 1 Bonus!, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Blood Manor and The Championship (Combined Edition), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Too Much To Drink and Gotta Get Laid (Frat 1 + 2), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Santa's Stolen Suit (Ed The Elf #6), Author: Laura Fantasia
Title: The Jesus Race (Ed The Elf #2), Author: Laura Fantasia
Title: Devil Worshipers: Alien Attack, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Old School Elf (Ed The Elf #10), Author: Laura Fantasia
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