Title: Rock Ninja Attack (Ninja Action Thriller Series #7), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: The Ninja God (Ninja Action Thriller Series #6), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Metal Soldiers #4: The Fallen Soldier, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Love and Sin (Sin Fantasy Thriller Series #8), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Arms Dealer and Steel (Combined Edition.), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: The Ninja God and Tank Upgraded (Two Story Pack), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Sinner: The Collection (Stories 1-4), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Water Spirits and Oddity's Story (Two Story Pack), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Tank Upgraded (Tank Science Fiction Series #7), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Strip and Torment of a Wife (Combined Edition), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Trapped and Vampire Mystery (Two Story Pack), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: The Dark Mines (Quest Fantasy Series #3), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Pirates 3: Fortress of Memories, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: The Eyeless (Sin Fantasy Thriller Series #4), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: The War of Blood and Bones: Mother, Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Blood Soaked and Club Kill (Two Story Pack), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Left Behind (Quest Fantasy Series #1), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Blade (Action Fantasy Series), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: The Witness and Trouble At The Bank (Combined Edition), Author: Kenneth Guthrie
Title: Horror 2: Party Animal., Author: Kenneth Guthrie

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