Title: House Mother Normal: A Geriatric Comedy, Author: B. S. Johnson
Title: Breaking the Bachelor, Author: Maggie Kelley
Title: Embody, Author: S. E. Hall
Title: Hickey, Author: Cora Brent
Title: The Perfect Illusion, Author: Winter Renshaw
Title: The Revolutionary Life of Freda Bedi: British Feminist, Indian Nationalist, Buddhist Nun, Author: Vicki Mackenzie
Title: Fraud, Author: J. L. Berg
Title: Unexpectedly His, Author: Maggie Kelley
Title: Not Your Average Nurse: The Entertaining True Story of a Student Nurse in 1970s London, Author: Maggie Groff
Title: Virtuous Scoundrel, Author: Maggie Fenton
Title: Maggie's War, Author: Sacha Cillihypi
Title: Exposed, Author: Alex Kava
Title: Crime Wave, Author: Rose Pressey