Title: The Wound of Mortality: Fear, Denial, and Acceptance of Death, Author: Salman Akhtar
Title: Colors Of Childhood / Edition 1, Author: Salman Akhtar
Title: Listening to Others: Developmental and Clinical Aspects of Empathy and Attunement, Author: Evelyne Schwaber
Title: Guilt: Origins, Manifestations, and Management, Author: Salman Akhtar
Title: Lying, Cheating, and Carrying On: Developmental, Clinical, and Sociocultural Aspects of Dishonesty and Deceit, Author: Henri Parens
Title: The Unbroken Soul: Tragedy, Trauma, and Human Resilience, Author: Henri Parens
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Hardcover $94.51 $104.00 Current price is $94.51, Original price is $104.00.
Title: Revenge: Narcissistic Injury, Rage, and Retaliation, Author: Salman Akhtar
Title: The Seasons of Life: Separation-Individuation Perspectives / Edition 1, Author: Salman Akhtar
Title: The Mother and Her Child: Clinical Aspects of Attachment, Separation, and Loss, Author: Salman Akhtar
Title: Intimacy and Infidelity: Separation-Individuation Perspectives / Edition 1, Author: Salman Akhtar
Title: The Electrified Mind: Development, Psychopathology, and Treatment in the Era of Cell Phones and the Internet, Author: Salman Akhtar