The Theatre in the Middle Ages

The present volume offers a collection of studies intended to give an overall picture of the International Colloquium on Medieval Theatre organized by the 'Instituut voor Middeleeuwse Studies' of the ‘Katholieke Universiteit Leuven'. The reader will probably remark upon the fact that studies on medieval drama are as flourishing and diversified as their object itself once was.

From liturgical drama to pageant, from nativity play to mystery, from latin comedy to ‘sottie', morality and farce, one discovers here the various aspects of an output that covers more than five centuries. This selection hopefully represents a cross-section of contemporary work in the field. As methods evolve and ways of reading change, the subject reveals itself as something for ever old and new. Thus a number of contributors emphasize a formal approach.

Both the analysis of a dramatic production as a structured entity—from the larger viewpoint of scenic organization right down to the level of verse or even rhyme—and as an actual performance, continue to shed valuable light on the theatrical event in its generic and historical context.

The Theatre in the Middle Ages

The present volume offers a collection of studies intended to give an overall picture of the International Colloquium on Medieval Theatre organized by the 'Instituut voor Middeleeuwse Studies' of the ‘Katholieke Universiteit Leuven'. The reader will probably remark upon the fact that studies on medieval drama are as flourishing and diversified as their object itself once was.

From liturgical drama to pageant, from nativity play to mystery, from latin comedy to ‘sottie', morality and farce, one discovers here the various aspects of an output that covers more than five centuries. This selection hopefully represents a cross-section of contemporary work in the field. As methods evolve and ways of reading change, the subject reveals itself as something for ever old and new. Thus a number of contributors emphasize a formal approach.

Both the analysis of a dramatic production as a structured entity—from the larger viewpoint of scenic organization right down to the level of verse or even rhyme—and as an actual performance, continue to shed valuable light on the theatrical event in its generic and historical context.

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The Theatre in the Middle Ages

The Theatre in the Middle Ages

The Theatre in the Middle Ages

The Theatre in the Middle Ages


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The present volume offers a collection of studies intended to give an overall picture of the International Colloquium on Medieval Theatre organized by the 'Instituut voor Middeleeuwse Studies' of the ‘Katholieke Universiteit Leuven'. The reader will probably remark upon the fact that studies on medieval drama are as flourishing and diversified as their object itself once was.

From liturgical drama to pageant, from nativity play to mystery, from latin comedy to ‘sottie', morality and farce, one discovers here the various aspects of an output that covers more than five centuries. This selection hopefully represents a cross-section of contemporary work in the field. As methods evolve and ways of reading change, the subject reveals itself as something for ever old and new. Thus a number of contributors emphasize a formal approach.

Both the analysis of a dramatic production as a structured entity—from the larger viewpoint of scenic organization right down to the level of verse or even rhyme—and as an actual performance, continue to shed valuable light on the theatrical event in its generic and historical context.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9789061861751
Publisher: Leuven University Press
Publication date: 01/01/1985
Series: Mediaevalia Lovaniensia Series
Pages: 380
Product dimensions: 6.53(w) x 10.08(h) x 1.16(d)

About the Author

Gilbert Tournoy is Emeritus Professor of Classical, Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin at the University of Leuven.

Table of Contents

Acta est fabula. By way of Preface

Walter Berschin, Passio und Theater. Zur dramatischen Struktur einiger Vorlagen Hrotsvits von Gandersheim

Sandro Sticca, Sacred Drama and Tragic Realism in Hrotswitha's Paphnutius

Ferruccio Bertini, Simbologia e struttura drammatica nel Gallicanus e nel Pafnutius

Ludwig Braun, Die 'dramatische' Technik des Vitalis von Blois und sein Verhältnis zu seinen Quellen

Jean-Pierre Bordier, Le fils et le fruit. Le Jeu d'Adam entre la théologie et le mythe

Jacques Ribard, Théâtre et symbolisme au XIIIe siècle

Rosanna Brusegan, Le Jeu de Robin et Marion et l'ambiguité du symbolisme champêtre

Elisabeth Schulze-Busacker, Le théâtre occitan au XIVe siècle: le Jeu de Sainte Agnès

Giuseppe Di Stefano, Structure métrique et structure dramatique dans le théâtre médiéval

Jean-Claude Aubailly, Théâtre et rite: réflexions sur les structures symboliques de la sottie-spectacle

Jean Batany, Allégorie et typologie: le Tiers Etat dans quelques sotties et moralités

Hans van Dijk, The Structure of the ‘Sotternieën' in the Hulthem Manuscript

Franco Musarra, Strutture drammatiche della lauda

Johan Nowé, Kult oder Drama? Zur Struktur einiger Osterspiele des deutschen Mittelalters

Rolf Bergmann, Aufführungstext und Lesetext. Zur Funktion der Überlieferung des mitelalterlichen geistlichen deutschen Dramas

John E. Tailby, Die Luzerner Passionsspielaufführung des Jahres 1583: zur Deutung der Bühnenpläne Renward Cysats

Alexandra F. Johnston, The York Corpus Christi Play: A Dramatic Structure Base don Performance Practice

Index codicum manu scriptorum

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