Title: October 1917: Workers in Power, Author: Paul Le Blanc
Title: Sean McLoughlin: Ireland's Forgotten Revolutionary, Author: Charlie McGuire
Title: NHS for Sale: Myths, Lies & Deception, Author: Jacky Davis
Title: The Chartists: Perspectives & Legacies, Author: Malcolm Chase
Title: The Left in Iran 1905-1940, Author: Cosroe Chaqueri
Title: History of the Chartist Movement, 1837-1854, Author: R. G. Gammage
Title: The Left in Iran 1941-1957, Author: Cosroe Chaqueri
Title: Firefighters & the Blitz, Author: Francis  Beckett
Title: Dangerous Liaisons: The Marriages and Divorces of Marxism and Feminism, Author: Cinzia Arruzza

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