Title: The Cove, Author: Michael Grant
Title: Appropriate Sanctions, Author: The Swonderful Orchestra
Title: When I Come Home, Author: The Swonderful Orchestra
Title: A Letter To Ballyturan, Author: The Swonderful Orchestra
Title: The Ghost and the Author, Author: Michael Grant
Title: Horror 101, Author: Michael Grant
Title: Manhattan, Author: The Swonderful Orchestra
Title: Who Moved My Friggin' Provolone?, Author: The Swonderful Orchestra
Title: There Goes Tokyo!, Author: Michael Grant
Title: Back To Venice, Author: The Swonderful Orchestra
Title: Officer Down, Author: The Swonderful Orchestra
Title: Krystal, Author: The Swonderful Orchestra
Title: In The Time Of Famine, Author: The Swonderful Orchestra
Title: Stalker, Author: The Swonderful Orchestra
Title: In 666 Words, Author: Michael Grant
Title: Precinct, Author: The Swonderful Orchestra
Title: Dear Son, Hey Ma, Author: The Swonderful Orchestra
Title: Retribution, Author: The Swonderful Orchestra