Title: Excavations At Barrow Hills, Radley, Oxfordshire, 1983-5: Volume 2: The Romano British Cemetery and Anglo Saxon Settlement, Author: R. A. Chambers
Title: Geoarchaeology: Underwater Archaeology in the Canopic Region in Egypt, Author: Jean-Daniel Stanley
Title: Roman Pottery Production in the Walbrook Valley: Excavations at 20-28 Moorgate, City of London, 1998-2000, Author: Fiona Seeley
Title: Arab Building in Jerusalem, 1967-1997, Author: Israel Kimhi
Title: Prehistoric Landscape to Roman Villa: Excavations at Beddington, Surrey, 1981-7, Author: Isca Howell
Title: Aelfric's Abbey: Excavations at Eynsham Abbey, Oxfordshire, 1989-1992, Author: A. Hard
Title: Roman and Medieval Cripplegate, City of London: Archaeological Excavations 1992-8, Author: Elizabeth Howe
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Title: Barentin's Manor: Excavations of the Moated Manor at Harding's Field, Chalgrove, Oxfordshire 1976-9, Author: Philip Page
Title: Holy Trinity Priory, Aldgate, City of London: An Archaeological Reconstruction and History, Author: John Schofield
Title: Roman Southwark - Settlement and Economy, Author: Carrie Cowan
Title: James Welling: Monograph, Author: James Welling

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