Title: Moche Fineline Painting from San José de Moro, Author: Donna McClelland
Title: The Easter Sepulchre in England, Author: Pamela Sheingorn
Title: Pseira IV: Minoan Buildings in Areas B, C, D and F (University Museum Monograph), Author: Philip P. Betancourt
Title: The Politics of Storage: Storage and Sociopolitical Complexity in Neopalatial Crete, Author: Kostandinos S. Christakis
Title: Early Drama, Art, and Music Documents: A Paleography Handbook, Author: John M Wasson
Title: Pompeian Households: An Analysus of the Material Culture ( Monograph Series 42), Author: Penelope M. Allison
Title: Gustave Dore's London: A Study of the City in the Age of Confidence, 1848-1873, Author: John Coolidge
Title: The Holocaust, Art, and Taboo: Transatlantic Exchanges on the Ethics and Aesthetics of Representation, Author: Sophia Komor
Title: Illustrations of the Stage and Acting in England to 1580, Author: Clifford Davidson
Title: Roman Pottery Production in the Walbrook Valley: Excavations at 20-28 Moorgate, City of London, 1998-2000, Author: Fiona Seeley