Title: Excel 2007 Power Programming with VBA, Author: John Walkenbach
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eBook $28.99 $49.99 Current price is $28.99, Original price is $49.99.
Title: Excel 2007 Formulas, Author: John Walkenbach
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Title: Excel 2010 Power Programming with VBA / Edition 1, Author: John Walkenbach
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Paperback $39.19 $49.99 Current price is $39.19, Original price is $49.99.
Title: Excel 2010 Formulas, Author: John Walkenbach
#7 in Series
Title: Excel 2013 Power Programming with VBA, Author: John Walkenbach
Title: Excel 2016 Power Programming with VBA / Edition 1, Author: Michael Alexander
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Paperback $43.16 $54.99 Current price is $43.16, Original price is $54.99.
Title: Excel 2016 Formulas, Author: Michael Alexander