"The Lonely Spirit" is the only short story in my writing collection, "Essays & More Straight From the Pen," available in print and as an eBook. The main character is Taser who has a unique experience, one that may make one think and wonder about life as we know it. His mischievousness and false bravado leads him off a cliff and into something much deeper than the ocean. He roams the Universe and beyond looking for his lover left behind, the Lovely Lana. Humility smashes his ego when he finds her.
"The Lonely Spirit" is the only short story in my writing collection, "Essays & More Straight From the Pen," available in print and as an eBook. The main character is Taser who has a unique experience, one that may make one think and wonder about life as we know it. His mischievousness and false bravado leads him off a cliff and into something much deeper than the ocean. He roams the Universe and beyond looking for his lover left behind, the Lovely Lana. Humility smashes his ego when he finds her.