Title: Spiritual Not Religious, Author: Wayne T. Dowdy
Title: An Airport Ate the Neighborhood, Author: Wayne T. Dowdy
Title: Unknown Innocence, Author: Wayne T. Dowdy
Title: A Prisoner & a Poem for a Princess, Author: Wayne T. Dowdy
Title: No Sympathy, Author: Wayne T. Dowdy
Title: Fence Rows and The Price of Change, Author: Wayne Dowdy
Title: Under Pressure, Author: Anthony P Lee
Title: Under Pressure-Motivational Version, Author: Anthony P Lee
Title: The Lonely Spirit, Author: Wayne T. Dowdy
Title: Authority and A Prisoner's Story, Author: Wayne T. Dowdy
Title: Essays & More Straight From The Pen, Author: Wayne T. Dowdy
Title: Search for Enlightenment, Author: Wayne T. Dowdy
Title: The Magic Word, Author: Dennis Sloan AKA Mr. D
Title: Guns, Drugs & Thugs: Drug Store Spree, Author: Wayne T. Dowdy