Title: Indo-European Accent and Ablaut, Author: Gotz Keydana
Title: Performing Archives/Archives of Performance, Author: Gundhild Borggreen
Title: Classica et Mediaevalia Volume 62: Danish Journal of Philology and History, Author: Tonnes Bekker-Nielsen
Title: Visions and Revisions: Performance, Memory, Trauma, Author: Bryoni Trezise
Title: Hákonar saga Hárekssonar, Author: Museum Tusculanum Press
Title: Tradition: Transmission of Culture in the Ancient World, Author: Jane Fejfer
Title: Tocharian and Indo-European Studies Volume 13, Author: Jens Elmegard Rasmussen
Title: Hans Lassen Martensen: Theologian, Philosopher and Social Critic, Author: Jon Stewart
Title: Narrative Literature from the Tebtunis Temple Library, Author: Kim Ryholt