Title: Navigators of Dune (Schools of Dune Series #3), Author: Brian Herbert
Title: Dune: Legends, Heroes, Schools: (The Butlerian Jihad, The Machine Crusade, The Battle of Corrin, Paul of Dune, The Winds of Dune, Sisterhood of Dune, Mentats of Dune, Navigators of Dune), Author: Brian Herbert
Title: B-36 Cold War Shield: Navigator's Journal, Author: Vito Lasala
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Title: Ghostly Witnesses, Author: The Navigators
Title: The Navigators of Space, Author: J.-H. Rosny Aîné
Title: The Navigator's Dream, Volume 2: Gulftide, Author: Julia A. Turk
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Title: A Navigator's Tale: The Arcane Map of West, Author: D. Martin