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Colossians & Philemon
Two crises in Colosse cause visitors to be sent to the Apostle Paul. First, an old friend brings news that false teachers are laying down rules and boasting of secret knowledge beyond the gospel. Then, a runaway slave begs Paul to ask his Christian master for mercy. The letters Paul writes to handle these dilemmas remain foundational for understanding Christ and His work in us. The 11 sessions of this Bible study on the books of Colossians and Philemon examine how Paul exalted Christ and affirmed a truly Christian lifestyle. If using in a group, personal study is needed between meetings. Tyndale House Publishers
Colossians & Philemon
Two crises in Colosse cause visitors to be sent to the Apostle Paul. First, an old friend brings news that false teachers are laying down rules and boasting of secret knowledge beyond the gospel. Then, a runaway slave begs Paul to ask his Christian master for mercy. The letters Paul writes to handle these dilemmas remain foundational for understanding Christ and His work in us. The 11 sessions of this Bible study on the books of Colossians and Philemon examine how Paul exalted Christ and affirmed a truly Christian lifestyle. If using in a group, personal study is needed between meetings. Tyndale House Publishers
Two crises in Colosse cause visitors to be sent to the Apostle Paul. First, an old friend brings news that false teachers are laying down rules and boasting of secret knowledge beyond the gospel. Then, a runaway slave begs Paul to ask his Christian master for mercy. The letters Paul writes to handle these dilemmas remain foundational for understanding Christ and His work in us. The 11 sessions of this Bible study on the books of Colossians and Philemon examine how Paul exalted Christ and affirmed a truly Christian lifestyle. If using in a group, personal study is needed between meetings. Tyndale House Publishers
The Navigators is an interdenominational, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people "know Christ and make Him known” as they look to Him and His Word to chart their lives.
Navigators have invested their lives in people for more than seventy-five years, coming alongside them life on life to study the Bible, develop a deepening prayer life, and memorize and apply Scripture, The ultimate goal is to equip Christ followers to fulfill 2 Timothy 2:2—to teach what they have learned to others.
Today, tens of thousands of people worldwide are coming to know and grow in Jesus Christ through the various ministries of The Navigators. Internationally, more than 4,600 Navigator staff of 70 nationalities serve in more than 100 countries.