Title: Cockpit Commander: A Navigator's Life: The Autobiography of Wing Commander Bruce Gibson, Author: Bruce Gibson
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Title: Ancient Worlds: A thrilling adventure through the ancient worlds, Author: Miranda Smith
Title: Atlantis in America: Navigators of the Ancient World, Author: Ivar Zapp
Title: A Navigator's Tale: The Arcane Map of West, Author: D. Martin
Title: STEM Navigators: Pathways to Achievement in Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics, Author: Anderson D. Prewitt
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Title: Navigators of the Contemporary: Why Ethnography Matters, Author: David A. Westbrook
Title: The Navigator's Compass: A Wayfarer's Guide to the Tangible Trails of Noble Doings and Deeds and to the Intangible Trails of the Mysterious Heart Within, Author: Barbara Soutar

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