Title: How to Kill a City : Gentrification, Inequality, and the Fight for the Neighborhood, Author: Peter Moskowitz
Title: Merchants in the City of Art: Work, Identity, and Change in a Florentine Neighborhood, Author: Anne L. Schiller
Title: India's Rise as an Asian Power: Nation, Neighborhood, and Region, Author: Sandy Gordon
Title: Miami Transformed : Rebuilding America One Neighborhood, One City at a Time, Author: Manny Diaz
Title: The Great Neighborhood Book: A Do-it-Yourself Guide to Placemaking, Author: Jay Walljasper
Title: Before and after: Stories from New York, Author: Thomas Beller
Title: Neighborhood Planning and Community-Based Development: The Potential and Limits of Grassroots Action / Edition 1, Author: William Peterman
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Paperback $62.10 $69.00 Current price is $62.10, Original price is $69.00.
Title: The South Side: The Racial Transformation of an American Neighborhood, Author: Louis Rosen
Title: Streets of Hope: The Fall and Rise of an Urban Neighborhood / Edition 1, Author: Peter Medoff
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Title: There Goes the Neighborhood: Protecting Your Home and Community from Poor Development Choices, Author: Kim Patrick Kobza
Title: Our Global Neighborhood: The Report of the Commission on Global Governance, Author: The Commission on Global Governance