Title: Faith in the Neighborhood: Belonging, Author: Lucinda Mosher
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Title: Laurel Canyon: The Inside Story of Rock-and-Roll's Legendary Neighborhood, Author: Michael Walker
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Title: Clinton St. Baking Company Cookbook: Breakfast, Brunch & Beyond from New York's Favorite Neighborhood Restaurant, Author: DeDe Lahman
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Title: Live and Let Live: Diversity, Conflict, and Community in an Integrated Neighborhood, Author: Evelyn M. Perry
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Title: The Old Neighborhood, Author: Avery Corman
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Title: Merchants in the City of Art: Work, Identity, and Change in a Florentine Neighborhood, Author: Anne L. Schiller
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Title: Starting Missional Churches: Life with God in the Neighborhood, Author: Mark Branson
Title: Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect, Author: Robert J. Sampson
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Title: Sesame Street in Your Neighborhood: Play-A-Sound, Author: Ilan & Ilanit
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