Title: The World's Richest Neighborhood: How Pittsburgh's East Enders Forged American Industry, Author: Quentin R. Skrabec
Title: The Paradoxes of Integration: Race, Neighborhood, and Civic Life in Multiethnic America, Author: J. Eric Oliver
Title: Coming to a Neighborhood Near You: The Repercussions of Crime and Punishment, Author: Pre-Order Now
Title: Topography And Natural History Of Lofthouse And Its Neighborhood: With The Diary Of A Naturalist And Rural Notes, Volume 2, Author: Yorkshire. George Roberts (of Lofthouse
Title: The Last Neighborhood Cops: The Rise and Fall of Community Policing in New York Public Housing, Author: Fritz Umbach
Title: The Neighborhood Has Its Own Rules: Latinos and African Americans in South Los Angeles, Author: Cid Martinez
Title: Neighborhood Technologies: Media and Mathematics of Dynamic Networks, Author: Tobias Harks
Title: Coping With Poverty: The Social Contexts of Neighborhood, Work, and Family in the African-American Community, Author: Sheldon Danziger

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