Title: Daniel's First Fireworks: With Audio Recording, Author: Becky Friedman
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Title: Daniel Tries a New Food: with audio recording, Author: Becky Friedman
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#10 in Series
Title: The Neighborhood, Author: S.K. Epperson
Title: Best of the Best Sellers Overcoming Fears Of Intimacy ( proximity, neighborhood, nearness, vicinity, closeness, intimacy, sake, honor, cordial reception, attention ), Author: Resounding Wind Publishing
Title: Daniel Goes to School: with audio recording, Author: Becky Friedman
Title: Remembering Blue Fish, Author: Becky Friedman
Title: Daniel Will Pack a Snack, Author: Tina Gallo
Title: Daniel Feels Left Out: With Audio Recording, Author: Maggie Testa
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eBook $2.99 $3.99 Current price is $2.99, Original price is $3.99.
Title: Daniel's New Friend: With Audio Recording, Author: Becky Friedman
Title: Who Can? Daniel Can!, Author: Maggie Testa

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