Title: Welcome To Our Neighborhood: A Combat Hero Shares His Story, Author: CREATIVE N
Title: Neighborhood Girls, Author: Jessie Ann Foley
Title: Jimmy Meets Rose the Raccoon, Author: David M Handelman
Title: The Gingerbread Man, Author: Neighborhood Kingpins
Title: The Samuel May Williams Home: The Life and Neighborhood of an Early Galveston Entrepreneur, Author: Margaret Swett Henson
Title: In My Neighborhood, Author: Giovanna Capone
Title: Quinito's Neighborhood/El Vecindario de Quinito, Author: Ina Cumpiano
Title: Neighborhood Watch: A Novel, Author: Cammie McGovern
Title: Does Growing Up in a High Crime Neighborhood Affect Youth Criminal Behavior?, Author: Anna Piil Damm
Title: How to Protect Your Neighborhood from Circus Werewolves: Slug Pie Story #4, Author: Mick Bogerman
Title: The Adventures of Mr. Dexter Burglar: A Day in the Neighborhood, Author: Dimitri Motofunk
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Title: Neighborhood Quality and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Quasi-Random Neighborhood Assignment of Immigrants, Author: Anna Piil Damm
Title: Death of a Neighborhood Witch (Jaine Austen Series #11), Author: Laura Levine
Title: Adventures In The Neighborhood Woods, Author: Jesse Honn
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Title: Sharing Joy in the Neighborhood, Author: Alexandra Cassel Schwartz
Title: Neighborhood Odes, Author: Gary Soto
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