Title: The Lego Neighborhood Book 2: Build Your Own City!, Author: Donald a. Gagliano
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Title: Discovering the History of Your House: And Your Neighborhood, Author: Betsy J Green
Title: The History of Here: A House, the Pine Hills Neighborhood, and the City of Albany, Author: Akum Norder
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Title: With Respect for Others: Activities for a Global Neighborhood, Author: Cynthia M. Manthey
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Title: Phantoms of Old Louisville: Ghostly Tales from America's Most Haunted Neighborhood, Author: David Domine
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Title: A Clear View: How Glass Buildings in the Inner City Transformed a Neighborhood, Author: Thomas S. Shiner
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Title: Your Neighborhood Gives Me the Creeps: True Tales of an Accidental Ghost Hunter, Author: Adam Selzer
Title: Streets of Hope: The Fall and Rise of an Urban Neighborhood / Edition 1, Author: Peter Medoff
Explore Series
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Title: Animals in My Neighborhood: The Story of Roy the Rooster, Author: Philip L. Houston
Title: Inside Greenwich Village: A New York City Neighborhood, 1898-1918, Author: Gerald W. McFarland
Title: Going Around the Corner Bible Study: Taking the Gospel to Every Neighborhood in America, Author: Richard A. Wood
Title: Ghosts of Old Louisville: True Tales of Hauntings from America's Largest Victorian Neighborhood, Author: David Domine
Title: Neighborhood Register: Poems, Author: Marcus Jackson
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Title: Final Ships In the Neighborhood: Mysterious Vessels, Author: H.M. Schuldt
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Title: Tuscany Canterbury: A Baltimore Neighborhood History, Author: Eileen Higham
Title: Before and after: Stories from New York, Author: Thomas Beller

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