Title: Be Jesus in Your Neighborhood: Developing a Prayer, Care, Share Lifestyle in 30 Days, Author: Alvin VanderGriend
Title: Women in Neighborhood Evangelism, Author: Marjorie Stewart
Title: Go Witness! A Practical Guide To Neighborhood Evangelism, Author: Christina Swartz
Title: Praying for the Neighborhood, Author: Eric N Faerber
Title: All the Aliens in the Neighborhood, Author: Donald Dewey
Title: Chicago Neighborhood Prayer Guide: Seeking God's Peace For the City, Author: John Fuder
Title: Shine His Light: A Simple Way to Pray, Care, and Share Jesus in Your Neighborhood, Author: Alvin VanderGriend
Title: The Role of a Community Chaplain in a Marginalised Urban Community: Providing Holistic Pastoral Ministry to Pre-Teens at Jane-Finch Neighborhood, Author: Michael J Driscoll