Title: Singing Fool of Afghanistan, Author: Nelson Lynch
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Title: Dementia, Author: Nelson Lynch
Title: Zombie, Author: Nelson Lynch
Title: Spousal Abuse, Author: Nelson Lynch
Title: Assateague Rum Runners, Author: Nelson Lynch
Title: Space Trip, Author: Nelson Lynch
Title: Turkey Trot, Author: Nelson Lynch
Title: Edgar Cayce and the Sheriff, Author: Nelson Lynch
Title: Madness and the Modern Home, Author: Nelson Lynch
Title: Space Ambassadors, Author: Nelson Lynch
Title: Horizon, Author: Nelson Lynch
Title: The Second Noelle, Author: Nelson Lynch
Title: Mary Magdalene and the Escapee, Author: Nelson Lynch
Title: Jack the Frogmaker, Author: Nelson Lynch
Title: The Taylorville Pearl, Author: Nelson Lynch
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Title: CIA and the Nine Ball Tournament, Author: Nelson Lynch
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Title: Murder, Wetlands and an Endangered Species, Author: Nelson Lynch
Title: The Feng Shui Woman, Author: Nelson Lynch

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