Title: The Qur'an as Midrash: Islamic Origins and the Sacred Writings of Judaism, Author: Mikhah Ben David
Title: Sleeper Cell: Preliminary Chapter (Sleeper Cell 2240), Author: Mikhah Ben David
Title: Neo-Salafism: Rashid Rida and the Wahhabification of Salafism in the 20th Century, Author: Mikhah Ben David
Title: Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaqi (Rashi): His Life and Approach to Justice in the Torah, Author: Mikhah Ben David
Title: The Ka`bah as a Jewish Sukkah: Why Muhammad Prayed Towards Jerusalem and Mecca, Author: Mikhah Ben David
Title: What Did Muhammad Mean By
Title: The Hujjatiyyah Factor and the Iranian Regime Today, Author: Mikhah Ben David
Title: Beyond Eden: Book One, Author: Mikhah Ben David