Title: Obernewtyn (The Obernewtyn Chronicles Series #1), Author: Isobelle Carmody
Title: The Farseekers (The Obernewtyn Chronicles #2), Author: Isobelle Carmody
Title: Ashling (The Obernewtyn Chronicles #3), Author: Isobelle Carmody
Title: The Keeping Place (The Obernewtyn Chronicles #4), Author: Isobelle Carmody
Title: Wavesong (The Obernewtyn Chronicles #5), Author: Isobelle Carmody
Title: The Stone Key (The Obernewtyn Chronicles #6), Author: Isobelle Carmody
Title: The Sending (The Obernewtyn Chronicles Series #7), Author: Isobelle Carmody
Title: The Red Queen (Obernewtyn Chronicles Series #8), Author: Isobelle Carmody
Title: The Rebellion (The Obernewtyn Chronicles Omnibus), Author: Isobelle Carmody
Title: The Dreamtrails (The Obernewtyn Chronicles Omnibus), Author: Isobelle Carmody
Title: The Seeker (The Obernewtyn Chronicles Omnibus), Author: Isobelle Carmody