Title: Rosemary and Rue (October Daye Series #1), Author: Seanan McGuire
Title: October Daye - Winterfluch, Author: Seanan McGuire
Title: October Daye - Nebelbann, Author: Seanan McGuire
Title: A Local Habitation (October Daye Series #2), Author: Seanan McGuire
Title: An Artificial Night (October Daye Series #3), Author: Seanan McGuire
Title: October Daye - Nachtmahr, Author: Seanan McGuire
Title: Late Eclipses (October Daye Series #4), Author: Seanan McGuire
Title: One Salt Sea (October Daye Series #5), Author: Seanan McGuire
Title: Ashes of Honor (October Daye Series #6), Author: Seanan McGuire
Title: Chimes at Midnight (October Daye Series #7), Author: Seanan McGuire
Title: The Winter Long (October Daye Series #8), Author: Seanan McGuire
Title: A Red-Rose Chain (October Daye Series #9), Author: Seanan McGuire
Title: A Red-Rose Chain, Author: Seanan McGuire
Title: Once Broken Faith (October Daye Series #10), Author: Seanan McGuire
Title: The Brightest Fell (October Daye Series #11), Author: Seanan McGuire
Title: Night and Silence, Author: Seanan McGuire
Title: Night and Silence, Author: Seanan McGuire
Title: The Unkindest Tide, Author: Seanan McGuire
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Title: A Killing Frost, Author: Seanan McGuire
Title: When Sorrows Come (October Daye Series #15), Author:

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