Title: The Most Unfeeling Doctor in the World and Other True Tales From the Emergency Room, Author: Melissa Yuan-Innes
Title: A Pain in the Toenails, Author: Melissa Yuan-Innes
Title: The Unfeeling Wannabe Surgeon: A Med School Memoir, Author: Melissa Yuan-Innes
Title: Broken Bones: New True Noir Essays From the Emergency Room by the Most Unfeeling Doctor in the World, Author: Melissa Yuan-Innes
Title: The Unfeeling Doctor Betwixt Birthing Babies: Poems About Love, Loss, and More Love, Author: Melissa Yuan-Innes
Title: Fifty Shades of Grey's Anatomy: The Unfeeling Doctor's Fresh Confessions from the Emergency Room, Author: Melissa Yuan-Innes
Title: Buddhish: Exploring Buddhism in a Time of Grief: One Doctor's Story, Author: Melissa Yuan-Innes
Title: The Unfeeling Doctor, Unplugged: More True Tales From Med School and Beyond, Author: Melissa Yuan-Innes
Title: The Littlest Caregiver, Author: Melissa Yuan-Innes